How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Like Uber


How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Like Uber

Apps are taking over the mobile ecosystem; it is neither a revelation nor a noble insight. Uber is a very popular app. Here we have listed various aspects that can help you with the cost to build an app like uber.

It is a fact, supported by astronomical trends every year.

The people who have caught on the trend a couple of years ago are millionaires today and with the extent of the untapped market out there. Therefore who would catch the trend today will be millionaires tomorrow.
We always question our ideas whenever they knock — is it something somebody has never done?

Honestly, it’s the wrong question.
Instead, we should ask ourselves — Can I do it better than somebody has ever done it before?

If you are among the tech-savvy and app enthusiasts of the world, chances are that you must have heard about Uber. And the revolution it brought in the cab hire market.

When it comes to the cost to build an app like Uber, make a note of this: There are actually two mobile apps, not one!

One of the facts that marries Uber as an app and Uber as a business is the dual app structure the company follows for the customers and drivers. Thus, Uber functions on the basis of two apps, one is for the customer which we get at the app stores and the other one is for the drivers, pre-installed in the iPhones that Uber gives to the cab drivers registered with Uber.

1. Basic Information On How Uber Application Works


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Uber is a Smartphone application that interfaces travelers to drivers with vehicles for hire.

Travelers select the class of vehicles they need to ride, the pickup area and drop area.

1. Most Affordable alternative — Uber X
2. A classy Uber — Uber Black
3. At the point when you need more space — Uber SUV
4. Uber’s prime assistance — Uber LUX

The application at that point cautions the client about the details of the ride, the driver’s name, vehicle number plate and the course which the driver would set aside and the assessed effort to arrive at the fed goal.

Toward the finishing of the ride, a receipt is sent to the client done by a double rating of the client and the driver by one another.

Uber is one of the most popular applications available on the iOS app store.

Brief History Of Uber App

Uber Technologies Inc. is an American worldwide transportation organization headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Thus, the organization creates, showcases and works the Uber versatile application, which permits buyers with cell phones to present an outing demand which is then steered to Uber drivers who utilize their very own vehicles.

Uber was discovered as “UberCab” by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009 and the application was discharged the next June.

Starting in 2012, Uber extended universally.

In 2014, different things were tried by Uber. The concept of carpooling highlights was introduced and different updates were made.

By mid-2015, Uber had become worth $50B.

By May 28, 2015, the company was accessible in 58 nations and 300 urban communities around the world.

Since Uber’s introduction to the market, a few different organizations have replicated its plan of action. This pattern has come to be well-known as “Uberification”.

How To Make An App Like Uber?

Before you even start app development estimations and get to ask the cost to build an app like uber, remember — there are a few features you need to take care of.

Additionally, the whole idea of creating an Uber-like app is to make a feature-rich app customized to match your requirements.

Before considering the cost to build an app like Uber, take a glance over the features which an app like Uber should consist of :

User Side Features

Simple Registration encourages clients to enroll and utilize this application with their mobiles.

The auto-installment highlight ought to be made accessible which will enable clients to enlist their cards and computerize the installments.

Google places and maps can be utilized as a marker for pick up and drop places.

Taxi type can be chosen easily by giving subtleties on the financial limit, traveler number, and so forth.

Clients can know the charge exactly, utilizing this application.

The app is accessible consistently. You can check who your driver is, the place he is at present, and so on utilizing this application.

Driver Side Features

Drivers can acknowledge or dismiss a request sent to their mobile.

The driver can keep a tab on the number of requests they have acknowledged and different details identified with the administration.

GPS is accessible as a voice-enacted route application.

The application contains analytics that includes alongside put away solicitations empowering following of installment and different things.

As you definitely know, Uber is a Smartphone application that associates travelers to drivers with vehicles to employ. Thus, travelers select the class of vehicle they need to ride, get area and drop area.

Advance Features in customer’s app

There is a sign-up/login alongside a connect to your installment techniques (Visas), map see, get/drop area decision, charge quote and numerous others.
Correspondingly, a very different feature that stands apart of all is: UberPool
With UberPool, clients can share a ride — and split the expense — with someone else who simply happens to demand a ride-along same route, setting aside to half of the expenses of the uber ride.

Thus, utilizing split, you can part the passage among their companions.
Clients can share their ETA (Estimated time of appearance) with their companions utilizing the offer my ETA choice.

As a rule, the cost of application development depends on hourly rates. Here’s the estimated breakdown by topography:

India and Pakistan charges $10–15/hour,
Eastern Europe charges $25–40/hour,
Western Europe charges $40–60/hour,
furthermore, somewhere in the range of $120 and $160 every hour for onshore US organizations.

Uber App Development Cost include below phases

1.) Initial Project Preparation

1. Project setup — 2 hours
2. Network setup — 47 hours

2.) Location & Coverage

1. Geolocation integration — 30 hours
2. Create a ride — 33 hours
3. Track the ride — 74 hours

3.) Registration and Profiles Features Implementation

1. Sign in / out — 7 hours
2. Registration/authorization via email — 20 hours
3. Registration/authorization via social media — 7 hours each
4. Registration/authorization via the phone number — 33 hours
5. Profile editing — 47 hours
6. Review/voting — 9 hours

4.) Design Duration

1. Wireframing — 19 hours
2. User Interface — 29 hours
3. User Experience — 17 hours

Expenses for these sections rely on the country, locales, and kind of the organization (top-class office, little office, consultants, and so forth.).
In addition, expecting no web interface, simply the iOS variant of Uber traveler and driver applications and a backend to deal with could be presumably created under 100,000 USD.

Additionally, this would take a lot of management as an owner and co-ordinate on the developer’s side as well.

In the event that you intend to work with an accomplished office that will convey a working app, without a bug for you, try having 120,000 USD in your pocket!

So the response to the first question ‘How much will it cost to make an application like Uber’ is … significantly more than you might suspect.

Read Also: How to create a website for Restaurant or Cafe Business

Cost For Various Phases

1. Geolocation And Routing

geolocation and routing

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Geolocation and Routing are a major segment of Uber’s center functionality. Also, it guarantees faultless assistance. So it would be a mistake if one forgets or ignores this feature.

Map Integration will take about $900.

The feature of detecting a user’s location will take about $900.

Set Up Location will take about $900.

2. Payments


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Payment method screen will take about $3350

Select Payment Method will take about $700

Info Screen will take about $200

3. Registration And Profile

registeration and profile

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Registration and profiles are the next two basic features for building an app like Uber. Thus, it’s necessary for at least two reasons: you can keep track of your user base and your user base gets access to the full-fledged service. In terms of Uber-like app development that involves mobile payments — this feature is a must.

Registration will take about $150.

Other Details will take about $1650.

Forgot Password will take about $550.

4. Communication And Notifications

communication and notifications

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Communication And Notification are fundamental features that need to be considered to make an application like Uber.

In spite of the way that correspondence in communication applications abandons saying, it’s conceivable to make it advantageous. Uber clients can call or contact their drivers without leaving the application.

Push Notifications will take about $2000

SMS integration will take about $1500

5. Ride Cost Estimation

ride cost estimation

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If you decided to follow Uber’s model and provide customers with diverse types of cars they can choose from, then you should also consider there are different fares for each type.

Thus, approximate cost to build the ride cost estimation feature for an app like Uber

Ride Cost Estimation will take about $1300

Fare Quote will take about $700

6. UI/UX

As usual, a portion of app development costs falls on design. Thus, ridesharing services are client-oriented and so they have to come with beautiful and easy-to-use UI/UX. Correspondingly, the Uber-like app development cost should involve design expenses.

Android will take about $5500.

iOS will take about $6500.

Wrapped Up

That’s it! Hope this gives you the idea of how much will it cost to make an app like Uber.

At Echo innovate IT we can help you with your app or web development. Contact Us! Today.



Mobile App Development & AI digital Transformation
Mobile App Development & AI digital Transformation

Written by Mobile App Development & AI digital Transformation

Echoinnovate IT is a custom app development company delivering interactive and robust IT solutions across the globe.

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